viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

10 tips for newborn care at home

Having a baby is a wonderful experience, but it is logical to take care when questions arise. Here are the 24 most common, with their answers.

Susana Pardo

Por qué está amarillo el bebé

Why is so yellow?

This coloration is due to an excess of bilirubin in the blood (it is a substance produced by the breakdown of old red blood cells), because the baby's liver, immature, can not process this substance well.

Generally, to solve this problem simply expose the child to sunlight, bringing his crib sticking out the window or walk.Eye in the light, not the sun directly!

How often do you give shots?

Usually starts with feedings every three hours. But if the baby takes breast and feed "on demand" is likely to have to give more times.

However, if the child cries, earlier than is usual with him, think well of hunger, may be due to other causes: it is wet, it hurts something, be cold or hot, he's lonely and needs company .
 Cuánto tiempo le pongo al pecho 

 How long will it put to the breast?

About 10 or 15 minutes on each breast. After this time, the child continues sucking instinct and breast change is preferable to avoid quench and let the second chest overflowing milk.

Remember that every decision should start with the last chest you offered your little one in the previous shot, which is what is always full.

And, if for any reason you do not breastfeed and take a bottle, not get bogged down, the current formula milks are designed to help your baby grow well.
  El bebé vomita después de comer

How to know if you have cold or hot?

To find out if your son has the right amount of clothes, touch his neck: if it is wet, you've entertained a lot and need a little destaparle; if not, you're right.

Note that newborns often have small hands and fresh (not frozen) feet, because their thermoregulatory system is not good and your body "prefers" to keep warm extremities vital areas.

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